photovoltaic systems - IL RE SOLE - ABOUT US

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Il Re Sole. Clean energy that anyone can afford.

We firmly believe that renewable energy, and specifically photovoltaic systems, can truly help in the requalification of our planet.


Reliability, availability
and a firm belief
in Renewable Energy

Our staff deals specifically with the design, installation, assistance and monitoring of small, medium and large plants for the production of electricity using the most natural renewable source:
the Sun.


Professionals at your

Our team, made up of Engineers, Technicians and Installers, examines all details when developing your photovoltaic system, in order to prevent needless waste.



What they say about us

“System installed during the winter of 2013, system yield in line with that which was specified during the contract phase. I also turned to Il Re sole for maintenance of the same system, noticing major changes from before and after the washing.”

“Thanks to the professionalism of Il Re Sole and to its friendly staff, Francesco Nicolini, with whom I continue to interface, I can say that I am truly satisfied and happy with the photovoltaic system, which was installed according to the agreed upon times and costs. Thank you.”

“I installed a 4.6-kWp photovoltaic system and would like to thank Mr. Nicolini, the surveyor, for his professionalism, integrity, personal helpfulness and constant search aimed at always finding optimal and profitable solutions for me. In my opinion, a very important help.”

“I decided to install a 3.6-kWp photovoltaic system. The company Il Re Sole dealt with the assembly, fine-tuning and final test inspection, managing the installation with expertise and promptness. The Company also took care of the bureaucratic business with the grid provider. The system works at full capacity, including the Wi-Fi monitoring system. Totally satisfied of the work done.”

“I’ve always believed in the usefulness of alternative energy, intended as use of new forms of energy with reduced environmental impact and, in my opinion, photovoltaic systems are simply excellent. I chose to have my system installed by a company that represents the excellence in the photovoltaic sector in my area. A company that sets itself apart for its professionalism, expertise and longstanding experience. The helpfulness and courtesy of the staff and of the technicians is continuous and immediate. And the savings are truly visible. In short, try it to believe it!”



Doing a good job
is our system.

In 2012, Il Re Sole S.r.l. obtained the certification S.O.A. category OG9, specific for photovoltaic systems. This certificate is issued exclusively to Companies acknowledged by the Authority for the Supervision of Public Works, and is proof that the Enterprise possessed the technical-economic requisites.

Since 2013, we are acknowledged by the COBAT consortium, accredited with the Provider of Energy Services or Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (G.S.E.), for the purpose of fulfilling obligations provided for by the law on the subject of disposal and reclamation of photovoltaic modules once they reach the end of their useful life.


Energy savings,
cleaner environment.


Installed power (Kw)


CO2 not released
in the enviroment (T)

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